Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Safely arrived in Accra

Hello my friends. I have safely arrived in Kumasi. I flew in to Accra on Sunday (10 July). I was happy and relieved to be meet at the airport by 3 of the brothers from my host family as well as the 2 Catalan girls who are also on student exchange here with me. We spent the day at my host family's home. We were well fed and cared for. Food here is definitely a little different than American food and I would probably suggest giving the fermented millet porridge a pass. However, it is mostly good and I am happy to report no digestive problems yet. As for water, I am only drinking pure water (which is sold in little plastic sacks) or mineral water, so I am sure that helps.

I spent the night with my host family and Monday morning - off to Kumasi.

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmmm....I'm no geopolitical expert (as your husband can tell you), but even I'm pretty sure that you probably shouldn't refer to the people who picked you up a the airport as 'brothers'. How are the 'bitchez'...or do you call them 'hos'?
