Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Community Pharmacy in Ghana

Today (Wednesday 14 July) I spent the day in a busy community pharmacy near the University Hospital. Many patients come to this pharmacy after discharge from the hospital. The basic work flow is much like U.S. community pharmacies. Ghana has National Health Insurance (so they are a step ahead of the U.S. already). The National Insurance covers most things that are on the BNF (I think it is called - British National Formulary). So patients start by giving their Insurance / ID card and their prescription at the in-window. This information is entered electronically and then passed down the next computer station where the pharmacist deciphers what the prescription was written for and then enters this information electronically and it is checked against their inventory. Next it is passed to what in the U.S. would be the technicians to fill. Then it is given a final check by another pharmacist at the out window who then dispenses it to the patient.

There is also a separate area to process prescriptions that have to be payed for. This is a pretty high tech pharmacy and I am happy to get to work here.

Tomorrow we leave for drug education campaign...more posts in a week or so......

1 comment:

  1. I'm super lame! I didn't even know you had left :( Glad you got a good pharmacy. Hope you have a great time and a lot of fun.
